21 Aug 2013

VideoIQ’s innovative content aware storage technology combines sensing, analysis and mass storage at the edge. Content aware storage enables the industry’s only intelligent all-in-one surveillance solution. The patented storage technology also covers the combination of solid state and traditional mass storage devices, increasing the lifetime of a typical hard disk drive by 5-10X

VideoIQ continues its innovation in self-learning pattern based video analytics with powerful object pattern tracking and search and fully trainable object classification technology. Pattern based tracking and classification make VideoIQ’s analytics highly accurately with no manual calibration required. Additionally, the patented classifiers are capable of learning both by watching the environment and via feedback from a user: VideoIQ’s innovative Teach-By-Example system.

VideoIQ’s state-of-the-art algorithms run on standard off-the-shelf, low-power processors thanks to a unique and flexible approach that automatically translates any floating point algorithm to a fixed point implementation.