18 Nov 2011
Basler's decision to concentrate more on its core camera business has resulted in significant growth

Basler AG, based in Ahrensburg, is one of the largest industrial camera suppliers in the world. In the course of their strategic reorientation over the past two years, they have increasingly focused on their camera business. Alongside this repositioning, Basler AG's company logo, corporate design, and Internet presence have been comprehensively revised and modernised.

Basler's decision to concentrate more on its core camera business has resulted in significant growth and is reflected in the restructuring of the website. The new look of the home page stands out through its modern graphics, more comprehensive information service, and easier access to content. For instance, navigation was expanded so that access is not only possible via the standard product catalogue but also through the applications of the cameras.

In addition, there will be a completely new forum where customers can communicate with each other as well as with Basler employees. This will further develop modern, dialogue-oriented communication following Basler AG's introduction to the social media platform Facebook last August. "The Internet is an enormously important information channel for all target groups. Accordingly, we would like to offer customised content for the various target groups via our new website," says Anke Wübbelmann, Head of Communications, about the web relaunch. "Visit our new site and see for yourself."

In order to continue to make Basler's website www.baslerweb.com more useful and attractive in the future, the team is already working on more new functions that will offer the visitor even more benefits.