18 May 2009
 All seven of Basler's IP camera models are supported by OnSSI's Ocularis

Basler Vision Technologies today announced that they have teamed with On-Net Surveillance Systems Inc. to integrate the Basler IP camera series with OnSSI's Ocularis™ platform for IP video control. Currently, all seven of Basler's IP camera models are supported by OnSSI's Ocularis.

Ocularis, OnSSI's intelligent IP video surveillance management platform, is considered a best-in-class solution for video detection, analysis, delivery, and response. In addition to the conventional security applications, the Ocularis platform enables the use of video as an information resource for the corporate enterprise.

Customers can also benefit from several unique functionalities. One example is an Area of Interest (AOI) feature that lets users define regions within the original field of view to see greater detail in the surveillance images.

"We are pleased to team up with On-Net Surveillance Systems Inc. and to welcome them as a new software integration partner," states Hardy Mehl, Marketing Manager of Basler Components. "OnSSI is a great addition to our growing portfolio of integration partners. We can offer our customers an impressive networking solution to meet their needs."

"Our open architecture umbrella lets us partner with leading technology providers like Basler," said Mulli Diamant, Vice President of Sales, OnSSI. "Image capture determines the quality of data available for video surveillance control and management, and utilizing megapixel technology assures high quality video images."