25 Aug 2010
SALTO exhibited its Aelement RFID lock, Glass Door Lock, Panic Bar Solution etc at the show

With increasing number of hotels opening for business, Dubai's hospitality sector is witnessing a rapid surge in growth after the impact of the global recession last year, say industry experts.

While most of the global economies, especially the US and Europe, are still struggling to emerge from the grip of recession, hoteliers in Dubai are looking forward to growing opportunities with large number of new hotel rooms opening up.

According to a study by Dubai-based firm "Proleads", currently over 470 hotel projects are in the pipeline across the Gulf region.

"There are between 16,000 and 20,000 hotel rooms due to enter the Dubai market by the end of the year, which will contribute to producing lower room rates and attracting more visitors to Dubai," said Khalid bin Sulayem, Director General of Dubai Tourism and Commerce (DTCM).

To benefit from this growth SALTO Middle East exhibited at 'The Hotel Show' displaying the new Aelement hotel lock with WiDNA, as well as access control technologies for back of house operations such as the new Glass Door Lock, Panic Bar Solution and the addition of new features to their Hotel management software.

Industry visitors to the show were excited by the look and capabilities of the new Aelement hotel lock as well as with all the management advantages made possible by SALTO's wireless system.