4 Jun 2010

The existing security installation at the hospital consisted of a variety of different locking systems, including a cylinder lock master key system and numerous key code locks fitted to most of the wards. However, this was inflexible and did not give the level of security the hospital now wants to provide.

The solution decided on by the hospital therefore was to remove the incumbent system of codes and key control and replace it with a modern state-of-the-art electronic access system that could provide full audit trail information and control of staff movement.

To achieve this, a highly secure and flexible access control system has been designed by local SALTO Independent Service Centre, Vidsec Ltd, using off line XS4 locks and a mix of on line wall reader units, utilising the SALTO Virtual Network (SVN). This has provided built in growth capability for the hospital's future security and access control requirements.

The XS4 locks read, receive and write information via the hospital's staff ID cards. Since most access related information is kept encrypted on these cards, the wall readers are able to update and receive information from the cards at any time. So not only is the system easy to use, but its clever functionality also provides 90% of the benefits of a fully on line access control system at the cost of a stand alone system.

SVN network update points are positioned at strategic points on every level throughout the hospital which allow doctors and medical staff on various shifts to change wards and theatre locations via instant instruction from facilities control. Then as they are used, the ‘smart' ID cards build up 'on-card' audit trails enabling hospital management to track movement through both the off line and on line parts of the system as required. And if an ID card is lost or stolen it can be quickly and simply deleted from the system.

So far over 100 XS4 locks in stainless steel have been fitted to the wards, and departments with other areas following on as part of a rolling programme of upgrades as budgets allow.

In addition to the new XS4 locks, SALTO's operation software will also be used in the hospital

The hospital will also be going departmental very shortly, implementing SALTO's departmental operation software. This will allow the new medical library to upgrade access to its own department, but also replace the existing library card arrangement and allow time limits to be placed on doctor's usage of the facility.

Sandra Hodgkyns, Security Manager at Salisbury District Hospital said: "I had looked at a number of access control systems for several months before selecting SALTO and Vidsec. Crucial to that decision was the level of features, reliability, back-up and product knowledge provided by both companies. The flexibility of the new access control system means we've now got cost effective, updated security complete with a 24 hour back-up service. This allows us to get the maximum benefit from the technology whilst providing a secure environment for our staff and patients."