7 Oct 2008

Sportspeople are able to film their training sessions and send them to their trainers via a secure connection thanks to BWA's
mobile transmission unit
Markus Kohlöffel, the national taekwondo trainer, has numerous international business trips.  He can continuously track the progress of his team with the BWA equipment developed as a T-City (project of Deutsche Telekom) solution for mobile training.

Just as Tauberbischofsheim is famous for fencing, Friedrichshafen is famous for taekwondo.  The Federal Training Centre has 170 members and the 2008 Olympic Squad once again included three competitors from the Friedrichshafen taekwondo group.  So that training can continue on the shores of Lake Constance even on the occasions when national trainer Markus Kohlöffel cannot be there, a mobile transmission unit was installed by T-City (Deutsche Telekom).  

Equipped with cameras, the digital DiREX-Pro video recorder and the mobile MR-36 3G/UMTS router from BWA, the sportspeople film their training sessions and send them to their trainer via a secure connection.  Using his laptop, Kohlöffel can then switch live to the training session.  The BWA products used here were selected on the basis of their very efficient video compression and the possibility for server-client transmission with variable bandwidth via UMTS/EDGE networks.

Mobile high-speed access (HSDPA - high-speed downlink packet access, UMTStransfer procedure) means that Kohlöffel can switch to the training session on the move, irrespective of where he is. 

BWA's digital video recorders have efficient video compression
Moreover, any time that the national trainer does not have his laptop to hand, he can simply watch his charges via his iPhone.

"The solution for the taekwondo team is just the beginning", explains Ferdinand Tempel, Chief Press Officer for T-City.  "After all, this training support is of course also of interest for other sports.  We can also envisage other areas of use, such as live transmission of competitions to the relevant sports clubs, or mobile physiotherapy.  The technology is in place, all it needs is for people to make use of it."