29 Mar 2010
Among the products on display at PROTECT 2010 will be Sony's video surveillance system

Sony's video security system which leads the way for hybrid surveillance solutions will be on exhibit during the international conference and exhibit, PROTECT 2010: Doing Business Amidst New Threats, from April 15 to 16, 2010, at the New World Hotel.

Sony Corp, of Japan has developed a digitised or IP-based video surveillance system that enables users to protect and safeguard their assets with higher image resolutions, more efficient monitoring, and more flexible installation without throwing away investments on old generation analogue CCTV cameras.

For many years analogue CCTV systems have been the only video surveillance option in the market.  It was only in recent years that video surveillance became digitised and equipped with technologies and functions, which the analogue CCTV systems could not provide to users.

Despite the advantages of IP-based systems, users of analogue CCTV cameras have been hesitant to make the migration as they keep their costs low and get as much out of their existing investments as possible.

Sony's IP-based video surveillance system is a hybrid platform that integrates old and new cameras, whether the cameras are from Sony or other manufacturers.  This hybrid platform helps to manage video security solution cost effectively and also paves the way for full IP migration in the future.  All these can be made possible with Sony's complete portfolio of hybrid video security solutions - from cameras and recorders to software, encoders and monitors.

Sony's NSR-1000 series is a family of hybrid recorders built on an open platform design that can accept video feeds from both analogue and IP cameras as well as SD and HD monitor signals.  This means that they are fully compatible with current equipment while allowing moving later to new and future technologies over time.