1 Oct 2008

Demographic studies show that football is increasingly becoming a game for the whole family.  To appeal to this increasingly important market it is vital that football clubs promote a secure and trouble-free environment at their grounds.

Commitment to safety

Dutch premier-league club FC Twente is leading the field in its use of sophisticated Sony network video monitoring technology to ensure it can offer its fans a safe and enjoyable day out

"We are committed to providing a safe environment for our fans and a disincentive to potential trouble-makers," said Martijn Hegeman, Safety and Security Officer at FC Twente.  "When our surveillance system needed to be upgraded, we set out to find a cutting-edge solution to help us achieve this goal."

Outdated CCTV system

The previous analogue CCTV system at FC Twente's Arke Stadium had become outdated.  "The picture quality of the recordings was very poor and people in the images were unrecognisable: footage would be inadmissible as evidence in court," explained Hegeman.  "We needed a system that would deliver high quality images.  However, we were also keen to install technology that would last without having to upgrade it again in five years' time."

End-to-end solution

FC Twente approached Winkels Techniek Enschede (formerly Hillen) for advice. The independent security integrator tested various systems on the market before recommending a complete network video monitoring solution from Sony.  Winkels Techniek Enschede installed 14 IP-enabled SNC-RZ30P Pan-Tilt-Zoom cameras in the stadium, running on Sony RealShot video management software.

"We selected Sony technology because it combined the future-proof benefits of an IP-based system with superior-quality optics in a complete end-to-end solution," explained Jordy van Rhee, Sales Engineer at Winkels Techniek Enschede.

Cleaner, crisper images

"The new cameras were considerably more powerful than the old ones.  This gave us more choice about where to position the cameras so we could ensure more comprehensive coverage," explained van Rhee.  "Added to this, the Pan-Tilt-Zoom functionality, combined with an impressive optical zoom capacity, means that security staff can focus accurately and clearly on specific incidents."

The digital colour images are crisp and clear.  "We used to lose a lot of quality when we played back the old analogue recordings.  Now, with the new system, fuzzy black-and-white images are a thing of the past," added Hegeman.

Control at the touch of a screen

Live feeds from each camera are displayed on two 50-inch plasma screens in the central control room, giving an at-a-glance overview.  By simply touching the screen of a monitor displaying a plan of the stadium, security staff can home in on a specific area. 

A joystick controls the cameras, enabling operators to rotate them or zoom in on a target as and when they need to.  "The technology may be sophisticated, but the system is intuitive and easy-to-use," said Hegeman.  "It's almost like playing a computer game!

Future-ready technology

"The IP-based technology removes the need for the expensive proprietary cabling required for the old CCTV system"  

The cameras are linked by a dedicated IP-network and are controlled using Sony's RealShot software.  "The IP-based technology removes the need for the expensive proprietary cabling required for the old CCTV system," said Hegeman.  "This will have enormous cost-saving implications when we want to change the position of cameras or add new ones.  The solution has the flexibility and scalability to grow with us." 

FC Twente will also be able to take advantage of sophisticated new IP-enabled applications that are currently being developed.  "We are particularly interested in the possibilities of face recognition technology and remote access and are working with police and local authorities to look into this," said Hegeman.

"By installing IP-based technology, sports venues are future-proofing their investment," said Fredrik Samanta, Marketing Manager at Sony Europe.  "Because of the standards used by Sony's network video monitoring solutions, new and innovative IP-enabled applications can be easily integrated as and when they are developed.

The people's game

FC Twente continues to proactively consult police, local authorities and the community as a whole in its quest to win back the game for ordinary people.  "Efficient and discreet monitoring is key to us providing a safe and secure environment for our fans," concluded Hegeman.  "Sony's network video monitoring solution takes us far beyond the FIFA surveillance requirements and will enable us to pioneer new security technology in the future."