2 Jun 2011
Alex Carmichael, Technical Director, BSIA

With over six million people in the UK working alone or without close or direct supervision, personal safety is of paramount concern. As such, the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) has published a guide to help lone workers understand their own responsibilities as well as their employer's obligations, and giving essential advice on using lone worker devices.

'Lone Workers - An Employees' Guide' provides those working alone with easy-to-follow advice on how to stay safe at work, including valuable information on risk assessments and the use of monitored lone worker services, including devices used to call for help. Advice is also given on what lone workers can expect from their employers, explaining duty of care and training.

Alex Carmichael, Technical Director at the BSIA, comments:"This guide recognises the importance of keeping lone workers safe and secure. Responsible employers will consider the health and safety of their lone workers as a top priority, and the use of lone worker devices can help by connecting such employees with an emergency response system that has direct links to the Police."

"The BSIA and its members have been at the forefront of the drive to raise standards and awareness of lone worker systems through its work with British Standards, key involvement in the development of the standard relating to lone workers (BS8484) and its Lone Worker focus group. BSIA members meet strict corporate requirements, so customers who source lone worker services from them can be confident that they will receive quality advice and service." Employees can download the guide for free by following this link.