21 Aug 2009

BSIA is calling on organisations to supply evidence for the need to licence the sector
With the debate on the regulation of the in-house sector of the security guarding industry still raging, the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) is calling upon organisations to supply compelling evidence of the need to licence the sector.

BSIA Chairman, Stuart Lowden, comments: "The BSIA and its members have long been advocates of the regulation of the in-house sector of the security guarding industry. We feel that it was an anomaly for the in-house sector to be left out of the legislation, creating a two-tier system. Regulation would also bring the in-house sector up to the same level of professionalism as the contract sector through increased training and vetting."

"The Security Industry Authority has stated that there are no plans to re-visit the in-house issue until 2012 unless significant substantiated evidence is presented that clear risk to public protection across the in-house sector has developed. With the industry adamant that in-house should be licensed, the BSIA feels that such evidence should be gathered and submitted in a coordinated manner sooner rather than later."

"The Association is wiling to be a conduit for the collation and submission of such evidence to the Security Industry Authority on behalf of the industry and welcomes compelling evidence on the issue from members and non-members alike."