28 Apr 2009

BSIA is undertaking a seminar on BT's 21CN and its effect on the security industry at IFSEC
The British Security Industry Association has published a test plan for the use of security equipment on BT's 21st Century Network.

The test plan has been put together after almost two years of development by the BSIA and its members including extensive testing of systems on the 21st Century Network at BT's facilities at Adastral Park and Swansea.

BSIA Technical Director, Alex Carmichael, comments: "The publication of the test plan is a significant step forward in our ongoing work with BT to iron out issues around the use of security equipment on BT's 21st Century Network. This work will continue as we support members in testing on the network and continue to research the effect that 21CN will have on legacy security systems.

The test plan was specifically developed for BT's network and we are also working with Ofcom and the other telecommunications providers to look at how security systems will be affected by their Next Generation Networks."

The BSIA is undertaking a seminar on BT's 21CN and its effect on the security industry at IFSEC on Monday 11th May at 3.15pm in the New Product and Technology Showcase Theatre, Hall 4 of the NEC.