3 Apr 2014

The guide provides basic details of the various bodies that are involved and impact the whole of the UK’s CCTV sector

From British Standards to IEC, Cenelec to the Government’s new Code of Practice, the world of CCTV standards can be a complex one to navigate. For CCTV companies, understanding how this ever-changing standards landscape affects their business can be a daunting task.

With this in mind, the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) has produced a simple ‘standards map’ to provide a useful overview of the standards landscape, as well as basic details of the various bodies that are involved in development of the British, European and International standards that impact the whole of the UK’s CCTV sector.

Available online as an interactive PDF incorporating expandable subject headings, the standards map also provides CCTV companies with a snapshot of how they themselves can influence the development of future standards by becoming involved in the various standards committees operating on UK, European and international levels.

David Wilkinson, Technical Manager at the BSIA, comments: “Knowing what standards are in the pipeline and how they will impact on their business is a key reason why many BSIA members choose to get involved in standards development, through the BSIA and its position on various standards working groups.

“In fact, in a recent survey of BSIA members, the opportunity to become involved in developing standards was cited among the top three benefits of membership, with 100% of respondents from the CCTV section expressing high levels of satisfaction with the BSIA’s work in this arena.”

Simon Adcock, Chairman of the BSIA’s CCTV section, adds: “This map gives non-BSIA members an idea of the complex world of standards development that affects their business, and also illustrates the key role played by the BSIA in coordinating the industry’s response to new standards and codes of practice.”

A more complex version of the standards map is also available exclusively to BSIA members, containing more detail about the current status of standards in progress, including in-depth information regarding comment reviews and the results of BSIA member consultations. Updated every quarter, this document ensures that members are kept fully informed about the work conducted on the industry’s behalf.