10 Jul 2009

The founding members of the BSIA Close Protection Section with BSIA's Regional General Manager, Daren Wood (far right)
The British Security Industry Association has this week held the inaugural meeting of its new Close Protection Section.

The section has been formed to provide representation for companies providing close protection services within the UK. During its inaugural meeting, David Allison, Managing Director of Octaga Security Services Ltd was elected as the section's chairman.

David Allison comments: "It is an honour to have been elected as the first chairman of the BSIA's Close Protection Section. The section has brought together quality companies who wish to raise the profile of close protection services in the UK and communicate through a professional trade association to key stakeholders such as the regulator, Government and Police."

"The close protection sector contributes much to the UK economy through the protection of high profile individuals from foreign royalty, to international business people and even celebrities. Increasingly the sector is also being asked to provide highly trained personnel to protect valuable assets. It is my view that the BSIA will become the differentiator within the sector and lead the way in raising standards within the close protection sector still further."

The founding members of the BSIA Close Protection Section are: Clearwater Special Projects Ltd, Greymans Ltd, Octaga Security Services Ltd, Pilgrims Group Ltd and UniTrust Protection Services (UK) Ltd.