23 Jun 2009

‘Safety and security innovations for the modern urban lifestyle' was the theme for the recently held Bosch Forum
‘Safety and security innovations for the modern urban lifestyle' was the theme for the recently held Bosch Forum, hosted by Robert Meier, Managing Director for Bosch in the UK.

Keynote speaker at the annual event, now in its fourth year, was Dr. Peter Ryan, former chief of police for New South Wales in Australia and principle security advisor to the International Olympics Committee.

In his speech Dr. Ryan assessed the government's strategy for dealing with the present uncertain climate and looked at the role and the cost of technology as part of this strategy.

Dr. Ryan focused on the contribution that could be made to the general quality of peoples' lives in this area he said: "The good news is that technology is improving rapidly and some of the failings identified from past experience are being addressed. New and more intelligent systems are being produced and deployed as part of a totally integrated security plan and risk mitigation strategy. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the security support provided to the Olympic Games".

Also speaking at the event was Paul Wong, Managing Director of Bosch Security Systems, who, during his presentation, touched upon many aspects of where Bosch technology and particularly Bosch security technology impacted positively on the daily lives of ordinary urban people. Beginning as the typical urban family slept peacefully in their beds through to looking at all the different technology involved in keeping people and traffic moving around a city, the presentation's main theme of urban quality of life was supplemented by issues such as taxpayer value for money and individual and family safety.

Speaking during the event, Robert Meier, made the connection between the ever present need to improve the quality of urban life and Bosch's slogan, saying: "So, what is behind Bosch's desire to create safety and security innovations for the modern urban lifestyle? I can sum it up in three words: ‘Invented for Life' - a dominant theme in all our development work and innovation programmes - indeed a guide to our entire strategic approach. Bosch technologies are designed and built to last and

"Bosch technologies are built to last, and embody intelligent and beneficial innovations that contribute to greater safety and security"

embody intelligent and beneficial innovations that contribute to greater safety and security, helping to improve the quality of life not only for individuals but also the wider public."

Mr Meier also highlighted some of the areas in which the 3.9 billion euros that the Bosch Group invested in R&D in 2008 is spent. Of this money 45% is invested in projects that conserve resources and protect the environment. New automotive technologies, as well as advances in renewable energy, help to improve the air quality in cities across the UK, whilst continuing development of power tool technology assists the long-term health of those employed on construction of the infrastructure.