1 Mar 2006

Siemens Building Technologies Security Products are specially designed to integrate easily with your existing equipment and databases - and once installed they can readily form the basis on which to build for the future

About the Celtic Manor Resort

Set outside Newport, in 1,400 acres of parkland, The Celtic Manor Resort is a world-class five-star hotel and one of Europe’s leading convention resorts.  As well as the 400-room, 32 suite, luxury hotel, the resort boasts a 1,500 delegate convention centre, two health clubs and three championship golf courses.

The Celtic Manor Resort’s wide range of extensive leisure facilities are available for use by both hotel guests and regular members.  A flexible and unobtrusive access control system was needed to prevent their misuse by unauthorised visitors while ensuring all those entitled to use the facilities could enjoy quick and straightforward access to them.

The Hotel was also concerned that its highly-finished, luxury environment, featuring cherry hardwoods and marble surfaces, should not be spoiled by unsightly equipment or surface trunking.

“We had three main requirements for this access control project.  The system had to be able to import and export data from our existing sports club membership database; it had to be expandable to deal with future security issues; and it had to look good."

“Only the Bewator systems were able to fulfil these needs in a cost-effective way.”  Russell Phillips - Celtic Manor Resort Facilities Manager

The Solution

Controlled by Siemens Building Technologies Security Products PC-based Bewator Granta version 4, Security Management System, a total of five PR500 Proximity Readers were installed at the five-star Celtic Manor Resort - three in the main hotel and two in its sports centre.

Among the features of the SBT system is its ability to grant automatic access to the sports centre for leisure members - for whom its facilities are freely available.  Members or guests using the centre's pool can wear the Bewator lightweight IB968 tokens around the wrist while swimming without affecting their ability to be read.

Installer, Gem Security, fitted discreet PR500 Proximity Readers, matched the finish and appearance of the exit button to the existing switchgear, and totally concealed all the wiring.

“We looked at the business case for installing equipment from a range of providers. Bewator not only matched the brief well, it also worked out much more economical to install.”  Gary Cross of the consultancy GTX Net, security and communications advisor to the Celtic Manor Resort.

“The client is delighted with the installation,” said Jim Caola, managing director of Installer Gem Security

The Products

Bewator’s PC-based Granta Security Management System version 4 Five PR500 Proximity Readers

Bewator’s Granta Security Management system now looks set to form the central control for other systems in the Hotel, either when new systems are added or older systems replaced.

“We have existing non-Bewator systems in the Hotel, but none of these are expandable in the way that our new system is. Now we have Granta installed, we should not need another system for some time.” 
Russell Phillips - Celtic Manor Resort Facilities Manager.