1 Oct 2016

Tasked with implementing a major upgrade to its client's security systems at the London HQ of one of the UK's leading information storage and management companies, Facilities Management company, FMS Limited, approached security expert Raysil for assistance. After evaluating the site's existing systems and finding them to be unsuitable for updating, Raysil recommended a completely new installation based on the latest equipment from Vanderbilt.

Protecting valuable computer equipment

Although the site has a large concentration of valuable computer equipment, making it a prime target for intruders, Raysil quickly discovered that the existing monochrome CCTV installation, despite being linked to an intruder alarm system, only provided partial coverage. In addition, the image quality was so poor that facial recognition was virtually impossible, and the cameras responded too slowly to allow the tracking of moving targets.

Faced with this combination of limitations, the Raysil team decided that a complete new system was the best solution, from both technical and cost points of view. Since the existing wiring could not be reused, the company also decided to adopt a completely digital solution with all links between cameras, monitors, recorders and other equipment implemented as IP network connections.

Raysil & Vanderbilt video surveillance solution

The solution developed by Raysil incorporates 15 cameras, 8 of which are Vanderbilt Solaris full-function domes. Between them, these cameras give full coverage of all critical areas within the building, and of the external car park. The cameras are complemented by a Vanderbilt Eventys Pro 32 channel digital video recorder (DVR), and a Visilynx 3 video matrix that allows both realtime and recorded images to be selected for monitoring.

The Eventys DVR has 1.5 terabytes of internal storage, but additional remote storage accessed via the network connection is also provided for added security.

All components used in the new installation have been selected to allow easy and inexpensive expansion in the future, should this become necessary.

A key requirement during the
installation of the new system
was that the highest possible
level of CCTV coverage should
be maintained at every stage

Integrating motion detectors

To maximise the effectiveness of the system in detecting and tracking intruders, Raysil has made extensive use of the option provided by the Vanderbilt equipment for integrating motion detectors. This has allowed an auto-follow function to be implemented on all of the cameras in the most critical areas.

Since the building is a very busy one, however, this function is inhibited during normal office hours to prevent unnecessary wear on the camera drives. The function is automatically turned on at the close of business and at weekends, but the security staff have complete freedom to override it at any time, and to control the cameras manually.

In view of the building's valuable contents, a key requirement during the installation of the new system was that the highest possible level of CCTV coverage should be maintained at every stage of the project.

The Raysil team achieved this by setting up the DVR, the matrix and the viewing facilities at the first stage of the project. The old CCTV system was then decommissioned in sections, with each section being taken out of service only when the new system was operational in the area affected. This approach meant that CCTV coverage on the site was interrupted for only one hour during the whole period over which the work was carried out.

"Our clients are very happy," said Mick Lawlor of FMS. "They are impressed with the Vanderbilt equipment itself, which is proving very easy to use as well as delivering vastly improved performance, with excellent pictures under all lighting conditions, combined with much lower running costs. They are also impressed with how expertly Raysil carried out the work on site, creating a minimum of disruption, and producing a new installation which is very neat and unobtrusive."

Identifying intruders

Within a week of commissioning, the new CCTV system proved its worth when an intruder entered the premises late at night. The intrusion was immediately detected by one of the motion sensors, and the security guard alerted. The guard was then able to take manual control of the cameras in the area that had been penetrated, and to capture excellent images, despite the low light levels. These images ultimately led to the intruder being positively identified.

The new installation has also produced an unexpected benefit for the company in whose premises it is installed, as the enhanced levels of security it provides are making it easier for that company to secure information storage contracts involving data of the highest sensitivity.

"We invariably choose Vanderbilt equipment for major projects like this one," said Pete Stewart, Managing Director at Raysil, "since the Vanderbilt range is wide enough to give us all the flexibility we need, the equipment is reliable and easy to work with, it offers excellent results, and it is also exceptional value for money. In addition, on the rare occasions that we need it, Vanderbilt's back up can't be faulted."