5 Mar 2014
The first stretch of road which will be equipped with the ClearWay AID solution is on the northern part of the E4 motorway

Navtech Radar, the world’s leading manufacturer of Radar based Automatic Incident Detection (AID) solutions for traffic management applications announces that they have entered a new 4 year Framework Contract with Trafikverket in Sweden, formed as a 2 year contract with the possibility to extend for another 2 years one year at a time.

Trafikverket is Sweden’s national transport administration, and in 2012 they rolled out Navtech’s Radar based AID solution on a 16 km stretch of the E4 motorway around Stockholm. At the time, the project leader Kjell Sohlberg of Trafikverket said that the need was for reliable outdoor detection of stationary or slow moving vehicles on urban motorways and open stretches of road. “Sweden has a lot of multilane roads which do not have a hard shoulder, so fast and accurate detection is a must.

ClearWay gives us very low numbers of false alarms, as has been proven on trials, and also allows us an area-wide detection capability. Shorter range radar systems are becoming available but they would represent a false economy in this kind of application; we would be back to the situation with cameras of having to install more poles, more power and generally more infrastructure.” Sohlberg said.

Dr Stephen Clark Technical Director of Navtech Radar explains, “The problem in the Nordic countries is that inclement weather – rain, fog and snow – is common. That precludes the use of video, or else makes it very expensive because of the high number of closely spaced cameras which would be necessary. There simply are not other technologies which would be effective for this kind of application. I am absolutely delighted that our ClearWay technology has proven very good return on investment and I am looking forward to working closely with Trafikverket on the new projects.”

The first stretch of road which will be equipped with the ClearWay AID solution under the new framework contract is on the northern part of the E4 motorway, running from Stockholm to Arlanda International Airport.