15 Mar 2013
The Jackson City PD currently has several vehicles equipped with a Genetec AutoVu mobile LPR system

Genetec™, a pioneer in the physical security industry and a leading provider of world-class unified IP security solutions, recently announced that The Jackson (Miss.) Police Department is using the AutoVu License Plate Recognition (LPR) solution to help officers identify criminals and scofflaws and increase the safety of its citizens.

The Jackson City PD currently has several vehicles equipped with Genetec AutoVu mobile LPR system, located in each of the city's precincts, to ensure there is an officer in each precinct, patrolling and utilising the technology to scan their area at all times.  AutoVu automatically collects vehicle license plates, runs them against a computerised ‘hot list’, and if there is a ‘match’, alerts the Jackson PD officers of issues and infractions, without interfering with their working day or duties.  

Inside each police cruiser, on a ruggedised laptop installed for driver use, is the AutoVu Patroller, easy to use software designed to automate the verification of vehicle license plates. On the body of each of the cars are 2 AutoVu SharpX IP-based LPR cameras.  Specifically designed for mobile applications, the SharpX IP on-vehicle camera is one of the smallest high-resolution LPR cameras in the world. It provides images with two to three times higher resolution than most other LPR cameras on the market and results in extremely accurate license plate read rates – even in bad weather, at poor angles, and at high speeds.  The in-vehicle Patroller application helps officers review all data collected throughout the day while the officers back at the central PD unit can monitor and analyse reads from the vehicles. Wirelessly, or at the end of a shift, all data collected is synchronised with the Jackson PD's central system for ongoing analysis.

The Jackson PD has been running Genetec AutoVu systems since 2011. Jackson PD's LPR-equipped cars were originally tasked with locating motorists with multiple unpaid moving violations, but the department soon found many other benefits and uses for the technology.