22 Jan 2010

Axis AB's year-end report will be released on Wednesday, February 3
Axis Communications has announced that the company will report a strong close to 2009 with interim net sales of SEK 2,300 million and an interim operating profit of SEK 308 million. Axis will thus present earnings that are significantly better than the market's expectations.

The strong close to the year is due to a generally good inflow of orders as well as conclusion of deals relating to previously deferred projects. The feared component shortage which was communicated previously had no significant impact on Axis' delivery capacity during the end of 2009.

The beginning of 2010 is difficult to assess on account of possible supply disruptions due to component shortages and the generally uncertain market trend.

Axis AB's year-end report will be released on Wednesday, February 3 at approx. 8 a.m. Presentation slides will be available on http://www.axis.com/corporate/investor/interim_report.htm.

A teleconference will be held:

Time: Wednesday, February 3 at 10 a.m.
Phone number: +46 (0) 8 5052 0110
Specify: Axis Communications

Participants from Axis AB are: Ray Mauritsson, President and Fredrik Sjöstrand, CFO.