20 Mar 2014
For watching over the cash registers and to have a total view of the restaurant, four AXIS M5014 HDTV Network Cameras were installed

In the heart of Paris and in La Baule, the two Ar Poul Gwen crepe restaurants are in very busy locations. Previously equipped with an analogue video surveillance system, the restaurant in La Baule needed to move to network video to keep an eye on the new crepe house in Paris and vice versa.


Ar Poul Gwen’s manager was won over very quickly by the network-based solution Yeddir proposed, because he wanted a solution that was accessible anywhere in the world and covered a broad area of the restaurant. As a result of this, five Axis network cameras with high definition image quality were installed in the Paris restaurant.


The restaurant is watched over 24/7. Yeddir maintains the IT network and the surveillance cameras. The manager wanted to expand the system to connect the La Baule and Paris sites to Rio, where he owns another establishment, using TV screens to transmit direct images from each of the three sites.

From analogue to IP

The Ar Poul Gwen crepe restaurants are in Paris on rue Etienne Marcel, and in La Baule at 65 avenue du Général de Gaulle. These areas are heavily frequented by both locals and tourists. The La Baule location already had an analog video surveillance system, but opening the Paris restaurant was a good opportunity to move to network video, considering the exceptional quality it offers. The goal was to have a full view from La Baule of the new crepe house in Paris to see the customer flow and security, and to watch the cash registers in an environment teeming with people.

Two criteria had to be met. Firstly, the system had to depict a wide area in a detailed, high-quality image. Secondly, the system chosen had to be accessible the world over to accommodate the manager’s many trips, especially to Rio. Finally, it had to be as simple as possible to use, and ensure a good deal of independence.

Mohammed Diouani of Yeddir, an Axis partner, was familiar with the restaurant because of work done at the Paris site, and he showed them the potential of network video. The manager, Mr. Tardy, immediately decided to abandon his analogue solution in favour of installing five Axis network cameras that met his criteria.

A complete solution

Five Axis network cameras were installed in two days. For watching over the cash registers and to have a total view of the restaurant, four AXIS M5014 HDTV Network Cameras were installed. These could change viewing angles, locally and at a distance, and provided an HD quality image. For the stockroom — where theft is easier — an AXIS M3004-V was installed. In addition to the cameras, AXIS Camera Companion video surveillance management software was perfect for the Ar Poul Gwen crepe restaurant, because they expect to open more restaurants and connect them to further screens through the simple, independent, advanced interface. An NAS storage device was installed to optimise the cameras’ capacity by sending the flow of videos to a small digital storage bay. This made the system easier to use, providing the greatest possible freedom.

“Managing three geographically distant establishments, it is important to get a simple, effective video surveillance system installed quickly. Furthermore, the ability to connect the cameras to the network and check the images from my computer or cell phone — in complete freedom, thanks to the management software — were the benefits that clinched my decision”, explains Mr. Tardy, manager of the Ar Poul Gwen crepe restaurants.

Finally, the solution allows the establishment to be monitored day and night. And the manager has the ease of knowing that Yeddir maintains the IT network and the surveillance cameras. This means that the owner can check security, monitor and manage his restaurant from a computer or smartphone.