2 Feb 2015
Axis Communications continues to see a strong performance in several emerging markets

Axis: Year-end report January-December 2014

The fourth quarter

  • Net sales increased by 16 percent during the fourth quarter to SEK 1,504 M (1,299). Net sales increased by 7 percent in local currencies
  • Operating profit amounted to SEK 199 M (166), which corresponds to an operating margin of 13.2 percent (12.8)
  • Profit after tax amounted to SEK 156 M (117)
  • Earnings per share amounted to SEK 2.24 (1.68)
  • The board proposes a dividend of SEK 6.00, of which SEK 3.25 is an extra dividend (SEK 5.50 of which SEK 3.00 was an extra dividend.

January - December

  • Net sales increased by 16 percent during the period to SEK 5,450 M (4,717). Net sales increased by 12 percent in local currencies
  • Operating profit increased to SEK 715 M (640), which corresponds to an operating margin of 13.1 percent (13.6)
  • Profit after tax amounted to SEK 539 M (479)
  • Earnings per share amounted to SEK 7.76 (6.89)

President’s message

“Sales for the full-year 2014 increased by 12 percent in local currency. The turbulence in Russia and Ukraine continues to have a negative impact on sales in the EMEA region. Meanwhile, we continue to see a strong performance in several emerging markets. During the quarter, we saw falling inventory levels among distributors in the US.

During the year, our offering was strengthened with new innovative network cameras and we also made important investments directed towards the various market segments. By taking a greater responsibility for the overall system, we further strengthen our position in relation to partners and end-customers. In the quarter, the organisation grew by 74 new employees. For the full-year, the number of employees increased by 314 people. At year-end, the number of employees totaled 1,941.

During the fourth quarter, one of Axis’ contract manufacturers was affected by a fire, which totally destroyed the production unit. Thanks to continually proactive work involving a number of subcontractors, the situation could be handled with a limited impact on sales.”
Ray Mauritsson, President, Axis Communications.