26 Jun 2007

Twenty members of the Frontline team recently took part in the 2007 London to Brighton Bike Ride and in the process raised over £6,000 for the British Heart Foundation.

"Members of our team individually raised many of hundreds of pounds through the support of their family and friends," said John Bryan the Director.  "The sponsorship provided by a number of our key suppliers, which included Boon Edam, DvTel, Norbain, Specialized Security Products, Barclays Bank, Devine and Co, Pelco, Lenel and Sutton Winson, was also very much appreciated."

All of Frontline's twenty riders successfully completed the 56-mile course. John added, "We wanted to raise as much money as possible for charity and it was a tough challenge for us all.  We were all pleased to complete the course and would like to thank all our sponsors who helped raise the money for a very worthy cause."