12 Jun 2009
ACTi cameras were chosen by Minh Long I due to their high video quality

Minh Long I Co., ltd, is well-known throughout Asia and Europe for its high-quality porcelain. The company was founded in 1970 by Mr. Ly Ngoc Minh, a man dedicated his life to creating exquisite porcelain. Mr. Ly is the third generation from a family of skilled ceramic artisans. He has devoted himself to all aspects of the creative process ranging from the firing techniques, composition of the porcelain, to the design stage. His passion for porcelain has led him to involve his whole life to develop a unique style in the industry - that is recognized today as "Minh Long I".

Minh Long I's porcelain manufacturing is extremely complex, so it is highly necessary to install a professional IP-based surveillance system for production monitoring, which consists of 30 processes, starting with the extraction of the raw material to the final stage of porcelain decoration.

The IP-surveillance system for Minh Long I includes more than 250 units of IP cameras. The reason that ACTi cameras were chosen over others was due to its high video quality as well as MPEG-4 ASP efficient compression standard. 210 pieces of IP box camera, ACTi CAM-5300, were installed in order to monitor porcelain production; 30 units of IP fixed dome, ACTi CAM-7200, were chosen for the monitoring of office activities. Another 12 units of IP speed dome, ACTi CAM-6200,

The brand new IP-based system allows authorised users to access to the system via Internet Explorer 
were implemented for specific areas that requires detailed videos recorded for meticulous workmanship control.

All ACTi cameras are connected to ACTi NVR servers, installed at the central control room, via CAT-6 cable LAN network. Minh Long I uses 9 units of 64-channel NVR server for live view monitoring and video storage. The brand new IP-based system allows the authorised users from the company to access to the system via Internet Explorer. Due to this strong feature, managers of Minh Long I are able to keep in track of the operation process on the production line even when they are not in the office. They can retrieve real-time videos through their personal PCs at home. Distance or time is no longer an issue, 24-hours monitoring will help the company to achieve a more meticulous surveillance control for its human resource and for the production process.