3 Sep 2009

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection is using IQinVision megapixel technology
"Deterrence is great," said Tim Dame, Investigator for the MassDEP Environmental Strike Force, "but our primary job is to catch people and prosecute them." And catching Bad Guys is exactly what the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection is doing using IQinVision megapixel technology:

In just over three years, operating on a limited budget, and managing the project on a very part-time basis, Dame and his team have successfully caught and prosecuted 34 illegal dumpers, resulting in many tens of thousands of dollars in fines and a substantial deterrent effect.

Thus far, Boston and four surrounding communities-Lynn, Worcester, Lowell, and Lawrence-have deployed one or more of the eight available MassDEP "model" units. Recently, the city of Boston purchased 15 of their own IQeye cameras in order to substantially ramp up their anti-dumping campaign.

In addition to the five municipalities deploying the covert surveillance units, Dame is currently fielding inquiries from five more surrounding towns, and his project has garnered plenty of attention from cities around the country looking to curb their illegal dumping problems.