14 May 2012
VARIO illuminators achieve longer illumination distances and allow cameras to produce better images

Raytec's VARIO is a complete family of Infra-Red and White-Light low voltage illuminators, combining the latest advances in optics, remote control, electronic feedback and green technology into an outstanding all-round package.

VARIO’s sophisticated optical system uses interchangeable lensing allowing users to adjust the angle of illumination on site to a precise and pre-defined angle. A standard VARIO kit includes interchangeable lenses to deliver angles of 10, 35 and 60 degrees out of the box.

VARIO is the only lighting product in the industry to be controlled by a hand held remote. A single remote can deliver access to advanced features including an LED status indictor to report the operational status of the illuminator.

VARIO illuminators achieve longer illumination distances and allow cameras to produce better images than traditional LED illuminators thanks to elliptical beam patterns with hot-spot reduction technology (HRT). The HRT system delivers a highly diffused, elliptical beam shape to deliver more light where it is needed, generating both longer distances by minimising light wastage and reducing overexposure of foreground objects.