15 Apr 2009

Integrated Biometrics announces an integration partnership with DSX Access Systems, Inc. and Kaba Mas

Integrated Biometrics, a leading provider of certified fingerprint identity solutions, announces an integration partnership with DSX Access Systems, Inc. and Kaba Mas. These integration partnerships extend each company's access control systems to include a single and multi-token finger-based biometric solution.

"The success of fingerprint identity solutions is based on speed, accuracy and usability," said Wallace Seaborn, president of Integrated Biometrics. "The TRU650 is the only fingerprint based access solution certified by the National Biometric Security Project. The demanding real world testing by this trusted authority assures our integration partners and customers that the TRU650 is the best identity security solution."

DSX and Integrated Biometrics have partnered to provide the DSX community with a seamless integration of the TRU650 biometric front end to their reliable and scalable enterprise access control systems. This integration provides a simple upgrade path for DSX customers that have the need to implement identity based access control in their business environments.

Kaba Mas selected Integrated Biometrics as their biometric partner after competitive testing of available technologies. The integration of Integrated Biometrics' Light Emitting Sensor imaging technology with the class leading SmartPoint Electronic Lock system is targeted for safes in commercial and retail environments.

"Businesses with high employee turnover, or those giving multiple employees access to stored assets need more than a basic locking device," says Stephen Pollack, marketing director for Kaba Mas.