The 3,000 users need a robust access control solution that they can rely on in life-and-death situations.
There are 70 Intelligent 4 Door Access Modules, and many 1 and 2 Door Access Modules controlling access to over 300 doors throughout the site, with significant expansion projected in future years. Multiple IR Access 4000 Control Modules are connected with system management client/server software that also enables design and printing of cards using the Photo ID Module. Another software module enables the activation of hard-wired and wireless duress buttons to send messages to pagers.
Several LAN Isolators regenerate the signal in long cable runs throughout the hospital site and also provide isolation between LAN sections in the event of lightning-strike, cable-cut etc.
The IR system also controls several critical lifts including the lift to the helicopter landing pad and the emergency lift.As RPA continues to grow, the Hospital can be secure in the knowledge that they have invested in a powerful and reliable security solution today that will still accommodate their needs for many years to come.