12 Oct 2009

iOmniscient has won the 2009 Engineering Excellence Awards for Best Small Business Ventures
iOmniscient announced that it has won the 2009 Engineering Excellence Awards for Best Small Business Ventures. The Engineering Excellence Awards is awarded by Engineers Australia Sydney division in recognition of excellent engineering specifically undertaken in small organisations (less than $20 million turnover and fewer than 100 employees).

"The Engineering Excellence Awards recognise the expertise of individuals and engineering organisations. They help achieve the goal of raising the professional standing of engineers by generating a greater public awareness of who engineers are and what they do," said Scott Wright, Chairman, Engineering Excellence Awards Committee 2009.

The award was presented for iOmniscient's newest video analytics innovation, IQ-HAWK. The technology combines iOmniscient's detection and identification capabilities within a single camera.

Traditional video surveillance systems utilise PTZ cameras which attempt to zoom in on people or vehicles involved in an incident. They can only ever zoom in on one person at a time. These cameras are easy to defeat by seasoned criminals and terrorists because they can be distracted with decoys.

The IQ-HAWK system performs very accurate "detections" using the full range of iOmniscient's IQ series products. When an event occurs, the system digitally zooms in automatically and can use iOmniscient's identification software to identify the person or vehicle. While the digital zoom is performed on one target the system continues to detect on the original view. IQ-HAWK can detect large numbers of different events simultaneously. IQ-HAWK overcomes the shortcoming of PTZ cameras which can easily be defeated as they can only zoom in on one event at a time.

The award was presented for iOmniscient's newest video analytics innovation: IQ-HAWK

IQ Hawk also provides a major savings to its users. "The IQ Hawk system has a unique patent pending method for optimising bandwidth and storage usage, which allows the system to operate very effectively," says Ivy Li, Managing Director for iOmniscient. "There can be a 200 times potential savings in storage and bandwidth for a 5 megapixel camera." This means that if your storage previously cost $200, with IQ-Hawk it would only cost only $1.

"We are honoured to receive the 2009 Engineering Excellence Award. iOmniscient has always strived to develop new technologies that will revolutionise video analytics applications to be able to meet our customer's needs. We are extremely gratified that our efforts has been recognised by Engineers Australia," said Ivy Li, Managing Director for iOmniscient.

The Sydney Division Engineering Excellence Awards programme is an opportunity to encourage excellence through the identification, recognition, rewarding and promotion, both within the profession and the community at large, for outstanding achievements in the advancement of the science and practice of engineering, with awards offered in 15 different categories.