7 Apr 2009
Lumenera is continually exceeding customer expectations in providing high quality and innovative products

Lumenera is proud to offer and deliver products that consistently meet and exceed our customers' standards and expectations. Many consumers of Lumenera's high performance digital cameras test each shipment and rate our performance based on delivery time and quality. Organizations differ in how they rate their suppliers and which measurement criteria they use. Examples of the standards applied to Lumenera include reaching a 99.5% consistency to become a preferred supplier, or providing six consecutive shipments of hundreds of cameras with zero quality issues. It is common practice for equipment manufacturers to rate their suppliers and order only from those who perform well. We are proud to have passed all criteria applied to us with flying colours to become preferred suppliers.

Being able to continually meet the rigorous supplier standards Lumenera is subjected to results in time and cost savings to our customers. By delivering on the promises we make about our products, in the timeframe we have given, ensures there is no disruption to our customers' manufacturing process. Zero quality issues eliminate downtime on the assembly floor and the administrative costs associated with returns, paperwork, shipping/receiving, and finance documentation tracking.

This success displays our commitment to providing an exceptional level of service. We will continually review our performance to be sure we are exceeding customer expectations in providing high quality and innovative products.