15 Dec 2005

The International Ship and Port Facility Code has imposed some of the most extensive security reforms and conditions seen in any sector since 9/11.  Great Yarmouth Dock has responded to the Code by installing CCTV systems at the heart of which are digital video recorders manufactured by Videoswitch.

If the Videoswitch VDC digital recorders had been at Great Yarmouth in 1798 they would have recorded footage of Rear Admiral Nelson returning after his victories at Aboukir Bay and Cape St Vincent.  Today the images from the recorders are used to react promptly when a vessel experiences difficulties as well as protect against vandalism and the threat of sabotage.

Deputy Harbour Master Alec Murray said: "Being a river port means that we don't have a view of the whole complex from any one point.  The combination of dome and static cameras working in conjunction with the Videoswitch DVRs have given us the ability to monitor or review an incident simultaneously from a number of camera angles.  Being able to record images onto CD for evidential purposes is also a real plus."

Port security personnel appreciate the intuitive controls of the DVRs and the fact that they have a removable hard drives allowing easy on-site maintenance.

The CCTV system has been installed by Kent-based IC2 (UK) Ltd who specialise in the design, implementation and maintenance of access control and CCTV systems.

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