13 Apr 2010 Vicon, working in conjunction with SimplexGrinnell, a market leader in fire and life- safety systems, has provided  Fairbanks International Airport with an  integrated video security solution. It combines a ViconNet video management system which incorporates ViconNet VI video intelligence, with access control capabilities from Software House, to create a fully integrated, IP-based solution that spans the entire airport, inside and out.

Of particular interest is the use of ViconNet VI video analytics software that immediately identifies individuals walking in the "wrong" direction through or around security checkpoints. Prior to its installation, if a passenger slipped from a non-secure area to a secure area without passing through security, it would have been necessary to evacuate the entire secure area and require all passengers to endure another round of screening. With the new video intelligence in place, recorded video allows specific individuals to be quickly identified when they bypass security and only they need to be apprehended.

The entire ViconNet system encompasses approximately 120 cameras and access control points connected to a network which may be viewed and controlled from four different monitoring locations. Vicon's SurveyorVFT pressurized domes are used in all outdoor locations, where temperatures periodically dip to as low as -60° Fahrenheit. Integration between the ViconNet and Software House systems provides automatic linking between access control events and ViconNet video, so that primary monitors in the control centres immediately display video of any security breach as it is occurs.

TSA workers are only able to view cameras trained on the passenger and baggage screening areas whilst U.S Customs and Border Patrol workers monitor cameras that view international gates, incoming passengers, passenger hold areas, baggage screening, immigration and agricultural inspection stations.

The ViconNet cameras are connected to a network which can be accessed from different locations

The 911 Dispatch Centre at the airport has access to all cameras system wide, with priority access over other stations to control and view any cameras as needed. Law enforcement is also able to view all cameras and upon an alert from the Dispatch Centre, is able to call up video corresponding to an event prior to responding with support personnel.

Mike Supkis, Police and Fire Chief of Fairbanks International Airport said: "Since we've installed the system, TSA violations through unsecured doors have gone to zero. Our use of video analytics for backflow prevention is really an incredible use of technology. And I'm especially proud that we were able to do all this through cooperative funding between the state and federal government. This is an example of where being frugal and budget-minded resulted in a solution that's far better than what any one entity could have envisioned on its own."

If you would wish to have more information on Vicon's video management  solutions for airports or any other applications, please call on +44 (0)1489 566300 or email sales@vicon.co.uk