26 Feb 2013

Intelligent access management company Traka has recently launched Machine Start, a system designed to improve health and safety at manufacturing sites, retail stores & distribution centres by replacing traditional keys with intelligent iFobs loaded with individual staff training information. The individual iFobs can only be used to power up equipment those staff are authorised to use.

Machine Start uses Traka’s highly secure key cabinets to store the iFobs. Staff identify themselves at the automated cabinet via their PIN or smartcard before being given an iFob. This device will contain information, inputted into the Traka system by a site manager, on training and licenses they have received and therefore what equipment they are qualified to use. Each iFob can only be used to start up machines that correspond to that individual’s authorisation levels.

The iFob is inserted into a Machine Start unit within machinery such as, hoists, cranes, compactors, drills and other dangerous and expensive equipment. If authorisation is granted, the machine will power up. In addition to improving the safety of staff, the system is also fully automated which means site managers do not need to spend time allocating access/keys for each machine.

John Kent, president of Traka, explained: “Health and safety is a major concern in the manufacturing and distribution industry. In the right hands, the machinery used is vital to ensure staff do their jobs well. But if untrained employees access this equipment, it can be incredibly dangerous and carry serious fines. Machine Start eases concern by ensuring only authorised employees can start the equipment. It is also fully automated, meaning management do not waste time manually allocating keys to machinery. The system will do this automatically based on the information. The system will do this automatically based on the information contained on the iFobs.”