This 3,000-megawatt facility run by DTE Energy is America’s fourth largest coal-fired plant and is at the forefront of President Bush’s initiatives for clean coal technology.
The site has been visited by the President who addressed staff and local community leaders about ongoing work to modernize the electricity grid, create conditions for job growth and ensure cleaner air.
Described by the Reuters news agency as “one of the most efficient coal-fired generating plants in the United States”, the facility is located 30 miles south of Detroit. Its current modernisation process is aligned with DTE Energy’s track record in sustainable development.
DTE Energy operates nine fossil-fuelled power plants in the US with a total capacity of 11,018 megawatts.
The Rainbow lenses were supplied by the company’s distributor and local partner Industrial Covert Unlimited who operate throughout Michigan. The units are being used on perimeter cameras around the plant’s 800 acres.
Rainbow’s zoom lenses are available for all formats of C and CS mount cameras and are available in 3-motor or auto-iris.
10 Jun 2005