27 May 2015

Participants will discuss the threats & mitigation methods for both physical & cyber domains

The inaugural Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Asia conference at the Avani Atrium Bangkok on 24th-25th June is a unique event bringing together leading stakeholders from governments, agencies, operators and industry across Southeast Asia and to collaborate on securing ASEANs critical national infrastructure.

Whether it is through a natural or manmade disaster or terrorist attack; the proper functioning of a nation’s critical infrastructure is vital to the interests of any society. At this year’s Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Asia leading experts from around the world will discuss the threats both in the physical and cyber domains and how to mitigate those threats.

Provincial Electricity Authority - Platinum Sponsor

The Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) has confirmed its position as Platinum Sponsor of this important inaugural conference, where electricity is currently defined as the most important of critical national infrastructures.

Without electricity, a country's systems cannot function. From computers for business, government and financial systems, to powering telecommunications, transport systems, offices etc. the importance of our power network cannot be under estimated.

SCADA systems are constantly under attack

These power networks are not only under threat from physical attacks or natural disasters, but SCADA systems are constantly under attack from cyber hackers aiming to infiltrate and interfere with such systems to shut them down and cause maximum chaos.

The PEA is constantly working hard to ensure the lights stay on and power is constantly delivered to government, businesses and consumers, who are demanding ever increasing energy security and continuity. Investment in resilient systems and enhancing cyber security are priorities for the organisation.

The Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) has confirmed its position as Platinum Sponsor of this important inaugural conference

Opening keynote presentation by Minister of Information & Communication Technology

Mr. Pornchai Rujiprapa, Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Thailand will open the inaugural Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Asia conference, at the Avani Atrium Bangkok on 24th June, with an opening keynote presentation.

The event is co-hosted by Thailand’s Department of Disaster Prevention & Mitigation (under the Ministry of Interior), the Ministry of Information & Communication Technology and the Electronic Transactions Development Agency. It also has the confirmed the support of the Ministry of Transport and Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau.