13 Mar 2013
The symposium provides an opportunity for AMAG and its partners to engage in conversations with security engineers

AMAG Technology, an access control, IP video and intrusion management security solution provider, hosted its 12th annual Security Engineering Symposium (SES) in San Diego, California at the Loews Coronado Bay Resort on March 1-4, 2012. AMAG experienced its largest crowd ever with nearly 100 consultants attending.  Immediately following the SES, 35 Symmetry Authorized Resellers attended the Reseller Insight Conference.

The SES provides an opportunity for AMAG and its technology partners to engage in in-depth conversations with security engineers about technology solutions, trends and end user expectations.  AMAG introduced a new product that will be launched at ISC West, reviewed the product roadmap and displayed an integrated security solution that included all the technology partners who were at the event.  Break-out sessions provided an in-depth look and opportunity for further discussion about these topics.

Educational presentations and break-out sessions were given by several technology partners: ASSA ABLOY, HID Global, Ingersoll Rand, Milestone Systems, NEC, Stentofon, VCA Technology and Winsted.

“AMAG’s Security Engineering Symposium generated massive interest and resulted in nearly 100 consultants attending, the largest number yet,” said AMAG’s Director of Business Development, Jody Ross.  “The security engineers learned about AMAG’s newest product offerings, as well as our technology partner’s latest products and how they integrate with AMAG’s Symmetry Security Management system to provide a world class solution. We changed the format this year and offered more breakout sessions.  The smaller sized sessions provided more opportunity for discussion and interaction, which the security engineers found beneficial and informative.”

“This is the first time I am attending the AMAG event and it’s much more beneficial than seeing AMAG at a tradeshow,” said TSG Solutions, Director-New York Region, Paul Benne.  “We get very intimate and intense information regarding AMAG’s Symmetry product and upcoming new releases that we can directly use in our design and consulting efforts, which makes attending this event far more beneficial than seeing AMAG at an ISC or an ASIS.”

The strategic technology partners who sponsored the event valued the interaction with the consultants, AMAG staff and other partners.

“ASSA ABLOY is very excited to participate in AMAG’s Security Engineering event,” said ASSA ABLOY’s Director EAC OEM Sales, Stephanie Hensler.  “This event is excellent for networking, connecting with the consultants and educating them on ASSA ABLOY products. It’s also a great way to enhance our partnership with AMAG and promote our products and our partnership with AMAG.”

“AMAG’s Security Engineering Symposium is a unique opportunity where I can get in front of 100 consultants at one time and talk about the key features and benefits of HID products,” said HID Global’s Director of National Accounts and Consultant Relations, Rick Mohr.  “The forum allows me to specifically discuss the new products available from HID, such as iCLASS SE and make sure the consultants understand how our EasyLobby Secure Visitor Management system integrates with Symmetry.”

“The security engineers learned about AMAG’s newest product offerings, as well as our technology partner’s latest products and how they integrate with AMAG’s Symmetry Security Management system..."

“AMAG’s SES event is a great opportunity to network with the consultants, understand how AMAG’s Symmetry integrates with the technology partners who were there, and have the opportunity to work with those industry manufacturers to see how we can network together and provide better security solutions to the end user,” said Ingersoll Rand, Strategic Account Manager for National Integrators, Erik Larsen.  “The open format, short general update opportunity and smaller breakout sessions offered great interaction and dialog from the consultants.”

“This is a 4G event,” said Milestone Systems’ Distribution Manager, Reinier Tuinzing. “This a great location (nice job with the weather), great venue, great attendance (even more consultants than last year), and great interaction among the consultants, sponsors and AMAG staff. The consultants are very engaged, which is the best part of it.  AMAG did an excellent job hosting one of the best events I’ve ever attended.”

“AMAG’s Security Symposium has been outstanding,” said NEC US Server Manager, Steve Gilman.   “The size is just right; it’s a phenomenal venue and I really like the interaction of the breakout sessions.  Rather than sit through multiple slideshows, the consultants could see the hardware, and there was a lot of interaction with questions and answers.  I could tell immediately that the attendees were interested and dedicated in taking the time and learning.”

“Stentofon has been to every one of the SES events, and it is the best event in the industry,” said Stentofon’s Senior Vice President- Global OEM, Dan Rothrock.  “It is the most educational; it gives the opportunity to converse; it gives time for people to build up relationships, and confidence and trust in each other.  It’s not just best of breed of manufacturers getting together, it’s also best of breed of consultants getting together. This year focused on new products with a short presentation and then an in-depth breakout session with more hands-on interaction. It’s much more engaging.  As great as it was, now it’s fantastic. Simply stated, it’s the best event in the industry.”

“The event has been outstanding for us.  It gave us a great opportunity to meet and interact with the consultants who are out meeting the customers and end users, and specifying the products,” said VCA Technology, CEO, Kevin Waterhouse. “We received valuable feedback on our technology, its application and user requirements.”

“Winsted has found tremendous value in this event and has returned year after year because we like the opportunity to interact with architects and engineers who have active projects going on,” said Winsted President, Randy Smith.  “A&E’s understand the security process, how to manage large projects, know the industry and are in tune with what the end user needs.  The SES helps us develop relationships and learn industry trends.”

The Reseller Insight Conference offered resellers an opportunity to interact with consultants and provide feedback to AMAG about marketplace trends, products and customer service.

For more information about AMAG’s Security Engineering Symposium, email Jody Ross at jody.ross@amag.com.  You can learn more about the Symmetry Product Portfolio by visiting www.amag.com.