4 Aug 2010

Security and the safety of their staff and members is paramount to The Gym
The Gym is a rapidly developing chain of venues that offers their customers flexible and accessible gym membership. With 11 sites in major cities across the UK, The Gym is open 24-hours a day, seven days a week, providing a modern health club for people on the move.

All day, every day, gym members can access the premises using an eight digit PIN code they receive when they join The Gym online. This means that The Gym is constantly accessible, even after staff have gone home.

With up to 1,100 people accessing The Gym's busiest sites every day, security and the safety of their staff and members is paramount to The Gym. CEO, John Treharne, said: "It is vital to ensure the environment is safe and our customers are protected."

Vistec Systems, based in Crawley, specified the Net2 system from Paxton to secure all of The Gym's UK sites. They recommended the heavy duty Vandal resistant metal keypad to match The Gym's smart, modern appearance. Vistec said: "The reliability and the aesthetics of the Net2 system were key; the access control system had to be efficient whilst looking really sharp and clean."

All of The Gym's sites are now secured by Net2 plus, with Vandal resistant metal keypads on the main doors for secure access and egress to and from the building.

The Gym has plans for a quick expansion; by the end of 2013 they hope to have ‘at least 50 venues across the UK in total'. John said: "The Gym concept is totally unique in the UK. The process we have developed is being enhanced all the time and Paxton is a part of that process."