14 Feb 2014
This award will enable rapid service implementation and delivery for NAV customers in WSCA / NASPO states

North American Video (NAV), a leading provider of security systems integration technology and services, has been awarded a contract with the Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) to provide electronic security products and technologies, along with installation, integration and repair services. The contract, for the newly established purchase category of security and protection services, will ensure that members in National Association of State Purchasing Officials (NASPO) states have access to industry-leading electronic security technologies and full system integration services.

“This award will enable even more rapid service implementation and delivery for NAV customers in WSCA/NASPO participating states,” said Jason Oakley, President & CEO NAV. “With no contract negotiations needed, customers will receive optimal pricing along with turnkey installations and service.”

The WSCA/NASPO cooperative program requires a lead state, in this case Nevada, to issue and maintain the actual contract terms and conditions of a vendor contract, and then offers the individual vendor’s contract to other participating states. Other states can elect to issue a participating agreement to that vendor.

All authorised governmental entities in any state are welcome to use WSCA-NASPO cooperative contracts with the approval of that state’s Chief Procurement Official. Cooperative purchasing benefits states as well as cities, counties, public schools, institutions of higher education and other eligible entities.