24 Sep 2010

MOBOTIX has developed a new market segment in the field of access control and IP door station
To support the continuous strong growth of MOBOTIX AG, the Supervisory Board of MOBOTIX AG has decided on September 19, 2010 (subject to approval by the Annual General Meeting on expanding the Management Board), to appoint two additional members to the Management Board as of January 1, 2011 and to newly divide the departments.

Lutz Coelen, who also managed the sales department on interim basis, will remain Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Dr. Magnus Ekerot will be appointed as the new Chief Sales Officer (CSO). Dr. Ing. Oliver Gabel, Director of Advanced Technology Development and assistant of many years to the Chief Executive Officer, will be appointed to Chief Technical Officer (CTO) and will also be in charge of Production & Development. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) will remain Dr. Ralf Hinkel, who wants to focus more on the strategic product development and therefore would like to hand over the tasks of the CEO to Dr. Magnus Ekerot in the mid-range future.

"The experience and expertise of Dr. Magnus Ekerot in our market environment together with an independent sales department at the board level will exploit the growth potential of MOBOTIX AG even better," said the CEO Dr. Ralf Hinkel. "This will give me the opportunity to dedicate myself intensively to the strategic product development and in this way to open up new market segments for MOBOTIX AG."

Dr. Magnus Ekerot leaves his position as the General Manager of a subsidiary of the publicly listed Swedish display manufacturer Beijer Electronics Products AB of Sweden to move to the Palatinate in Rheinland Pfalz. Because of his previous leading position at the camera manufacturer Axis Communications AB, he will bring extensive experience to the business operations of MOBOTIX AG. At Axis Communications AB he held the position of Managing Director responsible for the German-speaking countries and the Eastern Europe for five years.

On his new journey with MOBOTIX, Dr. Magnus Ekerot is most excited about the innovative power and the enormous growth potential of MOBOTIX. Unlike the competitors in the camera market, he doesn't see MOBOTIX as a plain device manufacturer, but as a broad-based system and software manufacturer that has set many technology trends in the industry and that has managed to develop a new market segment in the field of access control and IP door station with the hemispheric camera technology.