2 Oct 2009

MOBOTIX is providing 3 cameras and an ExtIO for Bernt Lüchtenborg's sail2Horizons project
Bernt Lüchtenborg, a former building contractor from Brake in Germany, has some big ideas: To sail around the world, twice, alone and without setting foot on land - he calls his project sail2Horizons.

As if sailing around the world twice was not ambitious enough, after the first circumnavigation ("sailing with the wind, as a warm-up," as he flippantly refers to it), he plans to turn around and sail against the prevailing wind for a second round. Of course, for such a daring mission, he needs a very special boat. Lüchtenborg has chosen a 23-year-old aluminum yacht custom designed by Horst Glacer.

MOBOTIX is providing 3 cameras and an ExtIO for the project. In addition, the expedition will be supported financially.

With this double circumnavigation lasting from 2009 until 2010, the project aims to send a message and to address some important issues: Climate change, supporting underprivileged children and young people to have a brighter future. Another aim of Lüchtenborg's long trip, which no other sailor has attempted before, is to collect oceanographic data that up to now has been unavailable.

Working closely with the log book software TripCon, the MOBOTIX cameras will record images and video on board at specific times and also as needed using event triggers. All cameras are equipped with a 4 GB SD card and save their images internally. Every 2 to 3 days, the images are copied to a mobile USB hard drive. Images could also be transmitted via satellite telephone.

The cameras are positioned as follows:

  • A mast camera with a view of the bow
  • A console camera with a view of the back of the cockpit
  • An equipment carrier camera with a view of the front of the cockpit