7 Jun 2011

 Mirasys enables the extension of cameras across Bangkok and boosts police monitoring and surveillance
Mirasys Ltd, a leading provider of open platform digital CCTV and video surveillance solutions, today announced that the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration has expanded their City Safe project into the second phase with Mirasys technology. In this new phase, 8,000 cameras will be installed throughout Bangkok City and managed through Mirasys Carbon Video Monitoring System (VMS) from within the centralised locations of Bangkok's 88 police stations. Offering state-of-the-art intelligence in a highly scalable solution, this surveillance infrastructure allows Bangkok's police to access CCTV footage from the city's 50 districts, both on-site and remotely, via a central control room. With each police station also equipped with a Mirasys workstation for monitoring purposes, this surveillance infrastructure allows staff to keep a close eye on key security issues throughout the city.

Phase one of the CitySafe implementation saw 3,000 cameras installed throughout the Bangkok region and phase two has developed this into a citywide increase of 5,000 cameras, simultaneously raising the number of users, who will require access to the cameras and their footage from the hundreds to the thousand. This means that the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration have benefitted significantly from the virtually limitless scaling capabilities of the Mirasys Carbon VMS platform. In its final stage, the number of cameras implemented for CitySafe, which are supported by the Mirasys Carbon VMS will rise to 20,000.

Mirasys' user-friendly and configurable VMS platform has allowed Bangkok Metropolitan Administration to take a targeted approach to CCTV monitoring by categorising and grouping footage from each camera in line with the diverse surveillance requirements, which range from traffic and flood monitoring and control to crime prevention. These diverse monitoring requirements of the CitySafe project has required the implementation of a broad series of high-definition IP and analogue cameras from ten different manufacturers, which has been easily accommodated by the open and non-proprietary functionality of the Carbon VMS. Through advanced algorithms that filter out non-relevant feeds and trigger real-time response alarms to critical incidents, the Carbon VMS now allows the Bangkok city police force to have a greater level of control over their management of footage.

"In order to improve safety and security for all of Bangkok the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration has used MirasysThis project has been, and will continue to be, an excellent experience for Mirasys as the company gains

'This project has been, and will continue to be, an excellent experience for Mirasys as the company gains momentum in the Asian Markets'

momentum in the Asian Markets Carbon VMS to create an intelligent and highly scalable surveillance infrastructure which will allow improved security across the city," explained Noppadol Sukhmol, Country Manager for Mirasys Thailand. "CitySafe is a wide-reaching project with specific security demands. This project has been, and will continue to be, an excellent experience for Mirasys as the company gains momentum in the Asian Markets".

Jukka Riivari, Chief Executive Officer at Mirasys went on to state "Mirasys has wide-ranging experience in city monitoring implementations. Mirasys Carbon VMS offers the ideal solution for high-input surveillance systems, such as those required for the scale of city surveillance required in the CitySafe project, being intelligent and easily integratable. The CitySafe project has been a perfect example of how scalability and flexibility at the implementation level can deliver great results, both with regards to ease of use at a user level and providing security and the efficiency within the city."