6 Jun 2011

OPAX 3D technology secures train tunnels in Oslo for the Norwegian National Rail Administration. This unique technology manages to detect and identify a walking man in front of a moving train during heavy snowfall. 3D Technology leverages video analytics making the impossible possible.


OPAX Video Analytics allows detection and classification of objects entering a video feed in a CCTV installation. OPAX Video Analytics has strong and robust performance, helping CCTV installations worldwide increase security and lower operational costs. In some situations, however, an even greater demand is made on what analytics must deliver. It is in cases like these that OPAX 3D Analytics is implemented on top of OPAX Video Analytics.

3D technology

For millions of years evolution has adapted ours and many other species eyes making them capable of detecting variations of light at both close and long distance. The main reason why we have two eyes is so that we can understand the concept of depth. Two eyes allow us to calculate distance to each object within our field of view.

3D technology allows us to use this particular benefit in a CCTV system. By using a camera pair when surveying a specific area we can not only calculate distance to any object entering the field of view, but we can also much easier differentiate between the object and the background since we have two cameras focusing on the object from two slightly different angles. This type of analytics calculates the position and direction of each pixel in the feed, making it easy to differ between pixels belonging to different objects. The OPAX 3D Analytics gives a real 3D model with exact measures and a full understanding of each pixels position making calibration and installation simpler than ever.

Using these fundamental benefits we can do more precise analytics than what would otherwise be possible with only one camera. OPAX 3D Analytics is fully integrated into the OPAX Video Analytics platform. Where ordinary analytics is not enough, OPAX 3D Analytics can be implemented side by side with OPAX Video Analytics.

Combining two technologies

OPAX Video Analytics delivers cutting-edge filtering algorithms removing any kind of unwanted movement related to weather. The terrain model used by OPAX Video Analytics positions all detected objects on a map with great accuracy, giving the analytics engine understanding of depth and distance to the object, even on single camera feeds.

 Mounted 3D cameras
The Milestone VMS and Sony cameras were a perfect match for OPAX 3D video analytics securing Norwegian Rail

OPAX 3D Analytics strengthens OPAX Video Analytics by handling those specific situations where ordinary analytics due to circumstances cannot function properly, giving detailed analytics and extremely low false alarm rates. By increasing the accuracy of all measured values, greater analytics can be made giving improved results.

Both technologies are controlled and operated from the same console using a Milestone XProtect client interface in the same infrastructure, meaning operational costs can be held at a minimum whilst security stays at a high level. 

1+1+1 = 4

Added values are created in perfect symbiosis. OPAX, Milestone and Sony are the key components that were used to create the world's first true 3D video analytics system. In order to create a solid system for 3D video analytics, the entire infrastructure must be state-of-the-art as each component must be highly reliable and work with optimum performance. That is why Video Management Software (VMS) from Milestone and cameras from Sony are the perfect match for OPAX 3D video analytics. Milestone delivers the XProtect® video management functionality that is used to control video and alarms coming from the OPAX 3D video analytics, and the Sony cameras deliver the spotless video stream necessary to create the 3D video used to do 3D video analytics.

Application of 3D technology

Together with SAAB Technologies, OPAX helps the Norwegian National Rail Administration (Jernbaneverket) to secure train tunnels. The project goal is preventing unauthorized objects from entering the tunnels. Normally, detecting humans or animals is not a problem for OPAX video analytics, but the issue here is detecting objects as trains pass by: passing trains will give a moving background making it hard for single camera analytics to differentiate between the object and the train, whilst 3D technology had little problems handling the situation. The result from the tunnel survey was astonishing - almost no false alarms, and extremely high detection.

In this case 3D technology is needed at the tunnel entrance because normal analytics have problems when the background is in full movement. This only occurs when one or more trains pass by and a person or animal moves inside the tunnel simultaneously, but this tunnel needs to be secure at all times.

3D technology is not often applicable, but it solves those cases where normal analytics have problems due to specific circumstances. OPAX 3D analytics combined with OPAX video analytics offers a comprehensive solution that will secure any area at any time in a cost effective manner.