30 Apr 2014

All-over-IP Expo are looking for exciting, interactive, educational and business presentations

The 7th International All-over-IP Expo 2014, to be held November 19–20 in Moscow, announces that its Call for Papers is now open. A networking space for over 170 cutting-edge technology vendors and over 5000 pre-qualified IT and security professionals, All-over-IP Expo 2014 provides global vendors with unique keynote speaking opportunities.

All-over-IP Expo are looking for exciting, interactive, educational and business presentations delivered by top management and senior executives – on a variety of topics:

  • Vision for The Next Big Thing
  • Advanced IT and Security Practices
  • Futuristic Installations
  • Innovative Concepts and Architectures
  • Migration to Enhanced IT and Security Technology
  • Safe and Smart Cities
  • CEO Success Stories

Keynote presentations may cover any of the All-over-IP Expo 2014 product areas:

  • IP Networks & Communications
  • IT Services & Infrastructure
  • Video Surveillance, VSaaS
  • IP Security, Access Control, Alarms
  • Machine Vision
  • Storage, Big Data & Analytics
  • Cloud & Virtualization
  • Intelligent Buildings
  • Internet of Things

New technology trends for 2014 include Smart Sensors, Biometrics, Mobile and Wireless.

Global speakers and their companies will receive unprecedented visibility in pre-event promotion in print and online. They will also receive exposure at All-over-IP Expo 2014 website for 5 months prior to and following the show, as well as lists of regestration leads.