5 Dec 2014
Nedap SENSIT system ensures easy integration with third party for parking guidance and traffic management systems

By installing wireless floor mounted sensors at off-street located car park facilities, Nedap enhances parking service and safety for visitors of shopping malls, airports and train stations worldwide. The SENSIT outdoor parking system ensures seamless and easy integration with third party parking systems. This enables accurate guidance to assist visitors in finding a parking spot. With one integrated parking management system, car park owners can easily improve the utilisation and enforcement of all existing spaces.

Retail parking (guidance)

Sainsbury’s in Slough (UK) has chosen for Nedap’s smart parking system SENSIT for the outdoor spaces at their car parking facilities. For Sainsbury’s, one of the aspirations was to direct customers easily to free parking spaces. The number of available outdoor spaces is now indicated per row via a display board. Congestion has been decreased to a minimum and the customer service has been maximised.

Retail parking (enforcement)

Retailer Co-op at Jersey (UK) sought to manage the increasing problem of overstay parking. Customers can park an hour for free. This short stay parking service was being increasingly abused by non-customers. SENSIT has proven to be valuable tool in parking enforcement by monitoring the real-time usage of individual parking spaces.

Train station parking

In France, high-speed trains are an effective way to travel from one city to another. Aix-en-Provence is the first TGV station with wireless parking sensors in use. Real-time parking information is displayed on signs to guide visitors towards available parking spaces quickly and conveniently.

Airport parking

Parking is a big issue for airports. In a highly competitive market they want to offer visitors an excellent service. In the Provence region, the airport of Marseille is an important hub for travellers. Nedap has installed wireless parking sensors with the purpose to guide visitors smoothly and safely to a free parking spot.

SENSIT has proven to be a
valuable tool in parking
enforcement by monitoring the
real-time usage of individual
parking spaces

Smart parking with Nedap SENSIT

A clever sensor technology is available to make on-street and off-street parking spaces easily findable for motorists. This high-tech system, called SENSIT, is developed and manufactured by the Dutch company Nedap. SENSIT consists of wireless parking sensors which detect in real-time whether or not a single parking bay is occupied and how long it has been occupied.

Real-time parking information results in less congestion, reduction of emissions and safer streets and thus a more attractive city for visitors.For almost twenty years Nedap is considered an expert in advanced and effective solutions for vehicle identification and vehicle detection. SENSIT was awarded for its product innovation at Intertraffic Amsterdam in 2006. Since that day Nedap has been focusing on designing the most accurate sensor hardware and the most reliable communication network using wireless sensor nodes. Intensive field tests, held by authorities of major cities, conclude that SENSIT offers the most robust and accurate sensor hardware and the most reliable communication network for outdoor parking available in the industry.

Nedap has designed the solution to be easily integrated with third party systems for parking guidance and traffic management systems, way finding apps and enforcement equipment that are used by major cities all over the world.