23 Jan 2024

Checkmarx, the pioneer in enterprise cloud-native application security, announces new integrations designed to speed application security operations within ServiceNow DevOps.

Both the cloud-native Checkmarx One AppSec platform and Checkmarx SAST plugins are immediately available in the ServiceNow Store and effectively streamline application security for developers within the DevOps toolchain, significantly reducing the risk of delivering cloud-native enterprise applications.

Author's quote

Checkmarx is committed to simplifying and streamlining effective application security for today’s developers whose time-to-delivery deadlines seem tighter every quarter,” said Ori Bendet, VP of Product Management at Checkmarx.

Ease of use and more secure applications lead to greater success for the modern enterprise

These Checkmarx integrations with ServiceNow DevOps cannot only dramatically mitigate the risk inherent in cloud-native enterprise applications, but also empower developers and build trust between them and their security teams. Ease of use and more secure applications lead to greater success for the modern enterprise.”

Checkmarx SAST Plugins

The Checkmarx One and Checkmarx SAST Plugins for ServiceNow DevOps will enable users with the DevOps Change Velocity licence to:

  • View integration of Checkmarx scans within the ServiceNow DevOps toolchain
  • Associate ServiceNow DevOps orchestration tools such as Azure DevOps, GitHub Actions or Jenkins directly to Checkmarx scans to be run on the pipelines
  • View security scan results run during the DevOps pipeline within the ServiceNow pipeline execution report
  • Automate approval based on Checkmarx security scan results by enabling the change acceleration feature of DevOps Change Velocity, change-approval flows and policies.