2 Feb 2021

Check Point Software Technologies Ltd., a renowned provider of cyber security solutions globally, has announced that it has partnered with the Scottish Business Resilience Centre (SBRC) to support its new cyber incident response helpline for the Scottish SME community. The free helpline, which is the first of its kind in the UK, launched in October 2020 in the face of rising cyber threats towards businesses and charities in the SME community across Scotland.

The helpline provides both immediate and ongoing support to SMEs and third sector organisations after a suspected cyber incident, giving them expert guidance on handling the incident and returning to secure operations. As an expert provider of Incident Response services, Check Point is the first cyber security solutions vendor to join the SBRC’s ‘Cyber Incident Response Cadre’ of partners providing support for businesses that have been hit by cyber attacks.

Cyber security issues

Following an initial call to a Cyber Incident Response Manager at SBRC, organisations targeted by suspected attacks are then directed to members of the cadre’s incident response teams, including Check Point, who provide an hour of free support to organisations, to help them identify and contain the threat, and minimise its impact.

Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report showed that 28% of breach victims globally were SMEs

Check Point can also handle the incident lifecycle from triage to remediation with detailed documentation and reports, irrespective of whether the clients are existing Check Point customers. The 2020 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report showed that 28% of all breach victims globally were SMEs, with 54% of attempted attacks on SMEs being successful, compared to just 7% success at larger companies. 62% of SMEs say they lack the skills to deal with cyber security issues.

Cyber incident response

“Being able to help SMEs that have been targeted by cyber attacks to recover quickly is critical to their continued operation. In many cases, SMEs don’t have the expert resources available in-house to deal with cyber incidents and don’t know who to turn to for help,” said Roddy MacCallum, Head of Scotland at Check Point Software Technologies.

"By partnering with SBRC on its cyber incident response helpline, we can give SMEs access to the knowledge and support they need to recover as fast as possible from attacks, and help protect the digital health of our community.”

Prevent cyber attacks

This partnership shows Check Point’s ongoing commitment to providing SMEs with the training and support

“We’re delighted to welcome Check Point as a new member of the SBRC Cyber Cadre team. Check Point’s credentials in incident response is outstanding, and they join a group of other dedicated organisations that will support the local SME community. Involving a global leader in cyber security such as Check Point, with the sheer scale of resources they have, adds real value to the services we deliver and will be of great benefit to the SME community we serve”, said Mark Cunningham-Dickie, Scottish Business Resilience Centre’s Cyber Incident and Response Manager.

Check Point has worked with the Scottish Business Resilience Centre for the past two years, helping businesses in Scotland and across the UK stay secure. This new partnership shows Check Point’s ongoing commitment to providing SMEs with the training and support needed to help them prevent cyber attacks from impacting their business.

Strengthen cyber security

Check Point won the ‘Best Customer Experience’ award (decided by public vote) at the most recent Scottish Cyber Awards, hosted by the Scottish Business Resilience Centre. Check Point’s Incident Response is a full-featured service to help organisations immediately respond to a cyber attack. After full containment, Check Point works with businesses to strengthen cyber security controls to thwart further attacks.