25 Oct 2024

As a provider of future-oriented business education, The Camp sought an access control solution as forward-thinking as their courses.

Their campus site near Aix-en-Provence is diverse, with offices, event spaces, kitchens and two accommodation blocks totalling 170 units. The Camp must remain open around the clock, all week, while maintaining security for staff and visitors.

Aperio wireless locks

Meeting rooms, server rooms, living spaces and kitchens are secured with Aperio wireless locks

Aperio provided locking devices tailored to every door type — interior and exterior. So far, The Camp has integrated 221 Aperio Wireless Escutcheons, 42 Aperio Wireless Cylinders and 10 Aperio Wireless Handles within a TIL Technologies security system.

Integrated online with the central system and controlled from the same interface, these Aperio devices effortlessly handle daily staff traffic of around 250 people. Meeting rooms, server rooms, living spaces and kitchens are secured with Aperio wireless locks.

Aperio visitor access system

Up to 2,000 external visitors arrive on-site when The Camp stages an event — and each must also have credentials issued and access filtered through the site. Aperio makes it straightforward to enable visitor access.

Many credentials get lost and Aperio enables us to handle this efficiently,” says Benjamin Ciotto, Head of Information Technology at The Camp. A few clicks are all it takes to cancel a lost key card and issue a replacement.

Real-time and future-proofed

Security staff at The Camp ensure only authorised users enter offices where expensive video projectors and screens are stored. Their TIL integration enables real-time management of the whole site, with specific profiles created to segment individuals who need fine-grained access to specific areas.

Online mode is very important because (access) rights are very often updated for the constantly shifting campus population,” explains Benjamin Ciotto, adding “We can also program access to defined time slots, which is essential when we welcome 200 people for an all-day meeting, for example.”

Aperio product ecosystem’s performance

Aperio product ecosystem’s sustainability performance also fits The Camp’s ethos

Aperio technology also met The Camp’s need for an aesthetically pleasing, wireless solution. They did not want to compromise their interior or exterior design. The Aperio product ecosystem’s sustainability performance also fits The Camp’s ethos. 

Because Aperio devices are wireless and battery-powered, they are much more energy efficient than traditional wired locking systems, which require an “always-on” mains connection.

Multiple Aperio devices

Multiple Aperio devices have independently assessed Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). These detail the footprint of each device through its full life cycle, from production to disposal.

Aperio is a real comfort of use,” Benjamin Ciotto concludes. “And we handle the easy maintenance for ourselves.”