18 Apr 2016
The conference is a touchstone in the biometrics community and provides attendees with opportunities to interact

MorphoTrak, a subsidiary company of Morpho (Safran), announced recently that Jeff Bauman, a survivor of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, will be a keynote speaker at the 37th annual MorphoTrak Users Conference set to take place on May 24 – 26, 2016 in Costa Mesa, CA.

Opportunities for biometrics community

The conference is a touchstone in the biometrics community, as well as the federal, state, and local law enforcement communities. The three-day event provides attendees with unique opportunities to interact and exchange best practices knowledge with fellow users, and join industry thought leaders in presentations, panel discussions, case studies, and hands-on workshops.

Keynote presentations are a major attraction each year. Conference organisers select speakers from the wider community, not necessarily directly related to law enforcement, but with a message that can be put to use post-conference.

About Jeff Bauman

Jeff Bauman's story is well known, and with good reason. Bauman had been standing near the marathon finish line when he saw a man place a backpack on the sidewalk nearby, and caught a momentary glimpse of his face. Moments later, the bomb hidden in the backpack exploded. Bauman's description of the man helped the FBI identify the Tsarnaev brothers as suspects in the bombing. Months later, still recovering from multiple surgeries, Bauman testified in federal court at the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

It is this determination that makes Bauman an ideal choice as a keynote speaker for the MorphoTrak Users Conference. Bauman is not a law enforcement professional, but his ability to remember details and keep his composure in a chaotic situation are traits anyone in the MorphoTrak user community would applaud. Bauman has dedicated his life since the bombing to the support of charitable causes such as the Amputee Coalition's Limb Loss Resource Centre, and the Boston Medical Centre Marathon Team.