1 Aug 2022

During the development, Bosch drew on valuable market feedback and various customer wishes. The result? A new generation of panel controllers combining evolutionary appearance with revolutionary technology.

An intuitive user interface, simplified planning, purchasing process, and proven modular concept are all that users can find in one solution. Meet the new Bosch AVENAR fire alarm panels 2000 and 8000 that can fulfill future demands.

AVENAR Panel Features

  • Completely modular: AVENAR panel adapts to the nature and size of the facility’s application. The result is a flexible and tailored system that can cost-effectively extend.
  • Fully controllable: Do users want to be in full control over the safety system?
  • Voice alarm integration: Excited to check out which voice alarm systems can be connected by Smart Safety Link.

AVENAR Panel Features

Remotely serviceable

Innovative technology from Bosch allows system integrators to provide seamless 24/7 remote support and enhanced performance.

It is a secure, efficient way to monitor, maintain and service fire detection equipment remotely.

Efficiently networked

AVENAR panel offers a distributed architecture for campus solutions and can be equipped with multiple interfaces for an extended range of applications.


With a Bosch safety system, users' equipment retains its value because the AVENAR panel is compatible with the installed base and includes interfaces to legacy systems.

This safeguards previous investments as the technologies continue to evolve.