18 May 2016
JR Andrews accepted the Superstar award for Altronix from Bill Bozeman, President & CEO of PSA Security Network

PSA Security Network, the world’s largest electronic security cooperative, has announced the 2016 PSA Security Network Vendor Award and Customer Service Award Winners.

The Vendor Award winners were selected by PSA owner companies based on rankings for pricing, shipping, support, lead generation, returns and product performance. PSA’s customer service team voted on the Customer Service Award winners based on professionalism, support and performance. The 2016 awards were issued during the Vendor Awards Luncheon at the 2016 TEC conference on May 10, 2016.

"PSA aims to offer integrators premier selection in products by partnering with the best vendors in the security business,” said Craig Patterson, Director of Vendor Management at PSA Security Network. “This year's award recipients represented the cream of the vendor crop and we are pleased to honour the companies who have excelled at performance and support over the last year.”

Superstar Award

The Superstar Award is the highest vendor honor bestowed by PSA to the vendor community. This award is presented each year to vendors who have excelled as partners with PSA integrators. 

  • Altronix
  • Windy City Wire

Star Award

The Star Award is granted to key vendors who have demonstrated exceptional service, support and growth in the PSA community of integrators.

  • "PSA aims to offer integrators
    premier selection in products
    by partnering with the best
    vendors in the security business"

  • AMAG Technology
  • Arecont Vision 
  • Bosch Security Systems
  • Exacq Technologies
  • March Networks 
  • Milestone
  • Hanwha Techwin America
  • Seneca

Rising Star Award

The Rising Star award is presented to the vendor partner who has demonstrated strong potential for becoming a big player within PSA and has never received any other award through PSA.

  • Salient Systems

Outstanding Vendor

The Outstanding Vendor award is given to vendors in recognition of the praise that PSA receives from integrators in regards to their product performance, customer service and overall consistency as a vendor. 

  • HID Global
  • CSC
  • LifeSafety Power
  • OpenEye

Customer Service Team Award

This award is presented to companies whose customer service teams as a whole have proven to be exemplary partners with the PSA Customer Service Department throughout the last year.   

  • Altronix
  • SYNNEX Corporation
  • HID
  • Aiphone
  • OpenEye

Customer Service Individual Award

The award for Individual Excellence in Customer Service goes out to individual customer service representatives that have distinguished themselves with the PSA Customer Service team. These individuals go above and beyond to help the PSA team provide exceptional service to PSA integrators.

  • Paul Ngimat | Exacq Technologies
  • Tasha Boyden | CSC
  • Tim Knab | Bosch Security Systems
  • Christie Bloechl | Clinton Electronics
  • Alison Smith | Windy City Wire