10 Dec 2005

Europe’s premier IP networked security event ‘IIPSEC 2006’ due to be held in Coventry (UK) on the 24-26th January 2006 report an increase in overseas support for the show from countries such as Taiwan, Korea, China, India, Germany, Spain, Holland and the USA.

Commenting on the increased interest to exhibit event director Kevin Fagan said “In the last month we have been inundated with enquiries from almost all corners of the globe concerning the show.  Everyone it seems now wants to ride the IP wave that’s sweeping Europe. Korea and Taiwan are already well down the digital road and are keen to hook up with re-sellers and create channels for their products”.

The event also reports an exhibition growth of 50%, an internet café, technology workshops, comprehensive installer seminar program and of course the latest industry innovations, products and applications, IIPSEC (International Internet Protocol Security Exhibition & Conference) is making a welcome return in 2006.

This innovative technology exhibition will be packed with all the latest cutting edge TCP/IP security technology, including networked surveillance products, storage devices, biometrics, imaging software, access control, intruder detection, fire detection and intelligent building management solutions, all running over IP and on display.

Why visit IIPSEC?

Security has never been so high up the agenda. Following the recent terror attacks in the UK the need for sophisticated, high performance surveillance and access control is clear.  Now in its 4th year, IIPSEC provides the industry with the opportunity to exchange ideas and explore the latest innovations, as well as giving security practitioners and end users a chance to experience for themselves state-of-art products, services and solutions.

For 2006, the focus is again on intelligent digital networked security technology. Ranging from IP CCTV systems through to networked storage and archive devices and the latest in access control and biometrics technologies it’s the only place to be.

Secure Future – Taking the First Step

Security has never been so high on the agenda.  Following recent terror attacks in London the need for sophisticated, high performance surveillance and access control systems is clear.  Now in its 4th year, IIPSEC provides the industry with the opportunity to exchange ideas and explore the latest innovations, as well as giving security practitioners and users an opportunity to experience for themselves state-of-the-art products, services and solutions.

For 2006, the focus is again on intelligent digital networked security and building management technology.  Ranging from IP based CCTV systems, through to networked storage, archive devices and the latest in access control and biometric technologies.

Quality Time with Quality People

In a pre-competitive, fast-emerging market, industry education is what matters most. IIPSEC is your gateway to planning, buying, installing and implementing IP-ready network based security and building solutions.  The show is aimed at both the industry and end-user and features a wealth of companies keen to explain and demonstrate hardware and software solutions for a range of security and building management applications.

Convergence or Consolidation

The integration of Security, Surveillance, Access Control, Intruder & Fire Detection and other Building Management applications onto a single management technology is the future today.  From a technology view point this is termed convergence, multiple systems utilising a common platform, protocol or communication technology.

You speak French, I speak German

One common argument concerning digital data is that systems do not directly communicate with each other. Different companies and industries have different standards and protocols and are not willing to share them.  But this is a thing of the past! IP is by definition an open system a language that all can use and which has global recognition and acceptance and is opening up closed systems to the direct benefit of the users and stake holders.

Systems Integrators whether in the Security, Process or Building Management Sectors are using Networked technologies to bring together these systems generally with the cooperation of vendors and manufacturers and creating a new vision where cross-system communication is the norm, where your CCTV system talks to your access control systems which in turn talks to the lift management system which talks to the HVAC system and they all talk to the HR department, Payroll, IT and building maintenance.  The same information which remained the domain of one function in the business is now available to all.

Adding Value through Networking

There are still some who believe that networked Security and BMS systems are a fad, that IP will never catch on or that the status quo is fine, but sure as eggs are eggs these are not the stake holders of the enterprises.

In truth the value of bringing together management systems onto a common platform is clear – reduced infrastructure cost, shared data, flexibility, scalability, centralised management and improved return on investment.

From a user perspective, increased productivity, improved efficiency, ease of use, automation of mundane tasks and improved inter-personnel communication.

Where do you start?

Between 24th and 26th January at Stoneleigh Park near Coventry in the UK there is an event dedicated to the use of Networked Technology within Security and Building Management Systems.  With an array of exhibitors and speakers which read like the who’s who of the industry IIPSEC is the centre of knowledge for this new generation of solutions.

IIPSEC 2006 boasts the following highlights:

Showcase for Innovation

Full of technology and innovation the exhibition hall features 1000’s of products from over 100 exhibitors and attracts some of the world’s largest corporations.

Technical Seminars

Presented by some of the worlds leading experts in their field each presentation is content rich and informative.

Complementary Workshops

Popular with installers the workshop area allows small groups to get to grips with the technology and learn how to perform simple practical tasks.

Complementary End-User IP-in-Action Presentations

Six application-specific sessions this new feature will attract major end-user and vertical market interest.

IP Convergence Conference 2006

The IP Convergence Conference allows cross-industry interaction with opinions from international technologists, business leaders as well as security and building automation professionals.

Comprehensive Award Program

Defining and delivering excellent security solutions for your client deserves reward! With a range of award categories the event attracts the cream of the industry awards are exclusive to exhibitors, sponsors & supporters.

Taking the First Step – Educational Programme
Technical seminars, hands-on workshops and case study presentations

The success of IIPSEC is attributable in no small part by the integration of “End-User” presentations. 2006 will see an enhanced program of 18 separate educational seminars.  To an ever greater extent the market is becoming customer-driven.  Presented by some of the world’s leading experts in their field the IIPSEC Educational Programme has something for everyone! New for 2006 is an extended range of ‘themed’ presentations on actual case studies.

Product Showcase – the very latest innovations

• Networked Surveillance (CCTV)
• Digital / Network Video Recording
• Network Products and Solutions
• Image Processing & Management
• Access Control & Monitoring
• Intruder & Fire Detection
• Building Management Solutions
• Voice & Video over IP
• Biometrics & Recognition
• Wireless / Satellite Transmission
• Telecommunications

Register NOW
Visit www.iipsec.com

For exhibition or sponsorship enquiries call the IIPSEC team on 0870 7878 546 – email info@iipsec.com
IIPSEC 2005 will be held at the Stoneleigh Park, 24-26th January 2006.

The Company

IP Security Events & Media Limited is the driving force behind the growth of IP based systems with the security and BMS sectors.  With a range of services which include the IIPSEC Exhibition and Conference, the IP UserGroup; 24/7 web based technology portal, IP-in-Action LIVE; technology road shows and IPfocus quarterly journal.

Our Mission

Build a platform upon which IP based products and services can be presented and understood by potential customers. Increase understanding and acceptance of IP Networked Technology across a wide range of security and BMS applications.  Bring together potential users and suppliers to push the boundaries beyond security and BMS applications.